Glad to announce that our site Derivados Quìmicos, based in Murcia (Spain), has been successfully inspected by the Spanish Health Authority. The Spanish Agency for Treatments and Health Products has carried out the regular inspection and, based on its outcome, has renovated the Good Manufacturing Practice Certification. The certification has approved the production process of APIs that have been newly included in the Olon portfolio.
The inspection has evaluated and approved the production line for highly active API, recently installed. This is the first production line for manufacturing products following high containment standards in DQ, up to OEB4, and it represents a significant milestone to enhance and integrate new services within our global manufacturing network.
Derivados Quimicos is global excellence of chemistry. It develops about 30 types of different reactions, produces more than 30 APIs, it relies on the largest bromination capacity in Europe and on one of the largest ranges of hydrogenation.